This is what this is all about. I love to read and play with dogs so I figured why not bring my two favorite worlds together and see if anyone else enjoys discussing them as well. Things are always more fun when you are talking to someone else rather than to just yourself, amiright? If you are shaking your head, “no” then it might be time to put down the book for a bit, step outside, and try to find a non-furry friend to chat with at least once and awhile. Moderation is key here.
You may be asking yourself, “why should I listen to this lady?” You should trust my opinion about books because I read a lot. I take a tin can (commuter rail) to work every single day so I have a large portion of free time on my hands. I set a goal to read a book a month. This allows my credentials to absolutely SKY ROCKET (I say that lightly) because I, myself, am always looking for recommendations so I take my referrals to you very seriously. I always hate when someone says, “BEST BOOK EVER” and then it absolutely sucks. My goal is so you don’t find yourself in that position.
The other half of all of this is my love for dogs. That is the easy part. You basically can’t say I have bad taste in them because I love them all! By that default you have to like what I say. SORRY.
My thoughts are as followed: Even if this premise is an utter flop and everyone thinks dogs are ugly and books are boring, I can STILL chalk this all up as a win because it means I will have something funny I can talk about at dinner parties when everyone else is chatting about Miley Cyrus’ armpit hair. How could I not leave the shindig smelling like roses in comparison?
In the end, what I hope to achieve from posting is a shameless way for me to talk about puppies (mostly my 10 month old Cockapoo, Sadie) and also to act like a martyr by force feeding and bashing books that I have read. In lightened terms, I have decided that when I grow up I would like to be a modern age Dr. Doolittle meets Siskel and Ebert, and really who doesn’t want that?
I leave you with this ploy to get you to like me, a picture of Sadie and a magazine below. If you like what you see (get your mind out of the gutter) comment and say YES! or no..
Yes! What a great idea
I think your pup is super cute
Thanks Rachel! I just checked out your blog and it is ADORABLE! Let us do a play date soon
YES! i love it all already! keep ’em coming
don’t forget about our man sparky… we need a picky of him.
Ok, ok! Good suggestion. Maybe next up I will do a joint pic