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“The Alchemist” – Paulo Coelho

3.6 out of 4.

How am I just reading this now?! Too many life lessons, too late! I am not speaking out of turn when I say that my high school should have provided this book as one of our mandatory reads (hopefully they didn’t and I am not just forgetting, whoops). Going on the theory that they did not–then why? It is absolutely PERFECT for someone about to embark on a big change in life.

The book is a tale of a Shepherd named Santiago who has had a reoccurring dream regarding a treasure hidden in the Pyramids of Egypt. He seeks out advice from two strangers that he comes across in town. Both of these people (a gypsy and a king) tell him that the only point of life is to find one’s true purpose. Once you discover what your passion is then the world will help you to achieve all of the gifts that go with it. Santiago takes this information as a omen to start a new life.

Santiago sells all his sheep and is ready to find out what he his true calling is. He believes the answer will be found when he unveils the treasure at the pyramids. Money will cure the questions he has been having.

Unfortunately, the money Santiago received from the sheep that he sold was stolen. Alas, he is left with nothing. He takes up a job at a crystal shop in order to make ends meet. There he works alongside a man that is in a rut with his own life. Every day is Ground Hog’s day to him and he believes there is no hope since he is so old. Santiago’s young perspective and optimistic attitude rubs off on the man and he starts to improve his shop and making more money. Santiago is now feeling like he is back in the saddle and can re-try to find his own light.

On the way to the pyramids Santiago arrives at a land called the Oasis. It is there that he falls in love with a woman named Fatima. Santiago believes that there is no doubt that this must be the “treasure” he was supposed to find.

Luckily for him, love is not the only present he receives from the universe. Remember, when you are on track and living your passion there are several gifts to be received.

I don’t want to spoil everything that he is able to accomplish because it is nice to see the story play out on its own.

My mother gave this book to me to read and even though I am long past high school I am still about to embark on several new adventures in my life. I am glad I read this to remind myself to stay true to who I am and that the universe will watch out for me.

I realized that last sentence was hippy dippy but you can’t say it didn’t sound good 🙂


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